What's Your Cybersecurity Score? Take this Free Security Health Check Test from Microsoft to Find Out.

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Cybersecurity continues to be a major concern for businesses heading into 2019. According to a recent article in Forbes, growing dependence on “data in use” to do everything from act on opportunities to collaborate effectively (while convenient) continues to increase the cybersecurity risk for every business.

Cybersecurity alone is not going to be enough to secure our most sensitive data or our privacy. Data must be protected and enforced by technology itself,” says Rina Shainski, Co-founder and Chairwoman, Duality Technologies.

In other words, businesses must commit to fight hackers seeking to compromise their technology with smart technology that protects, alerts, and takes action against malicious cyber-activity. The good news is, intelligent security technology exists and is used by a growing number of organizations every day.

A Cybersecurity Health Check Assessment is a great first step towards better office security


How does your cybersecurity protection stack up _


Microsoft has developed a free, fast and easy to take Cybersecurity Health Assessment to educate stakeholders on their organization’s specific areas of risk and vulnerability.

Knowing how and where hackers may try to gain access to your systems is crucial to developing a plan to fight off future attacks.

The Cybersecurity Health Check Assessment asks respondents to answer questions in four key areas related to protecting devices, data, and company resources:

  • Preventing identity compromise
  • Securing apps and data
  • Expanding device controls
  • Safeguarding infrastructure

Are you protected against unauthorized user access and security breaches?


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 Preventing identity compromise means being proactive with where you store user identity information, and how user identity is synchronized between departments and in the cloud.

For example, enforcing safe password practices and using multi-factor authentication for software sign in’s are among the actions every business should be taking to protect the identity of its users.

How do you keep third-party apps protected?

Apps have revolutionized ways of collaborating in real-time, sharing documents, and working more efficiently. Apps are also often extremely vulnerable to cyber attacks.

It is vital for managers to know what apps are being downloaded and used by employees in connection with company documents and data. If an app crashes or becomes compromised, is there a data recovery strategy in place?

Networks and policies must be designed to safeguard business infrastructure.


Secure_servers_and_infrastructureFrom server and device management to reporting and security protocols, systems must be implemented and enforced to create a secure business ecosystem. Outsourcing an IT company experienced in cybersecurity is the best way for an organization with limited internal IT resources to improve their cybersecurity health.

To better protect your endpoints and detect threats, discover how your cybersecurity stacks up.

Taking this personalized cybersecurity health check will provide useful tips and recommendations on how to become more secure-based on the answers you provide.

After getting your full report, if your cybersecurity health isn’t as good as you’d hoped-don’t spend another month as a sitting duck to hackers.

Statistics point to phishing attacks and data breaches increasing again in 2019. Make company's data security a first quarter goal by assessing your vulnerabilities to attack.


Need cybersecurity, cloud migration, or other IT solutions for your business? 

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